Monday, February 06, 2006

Living Your Stereotype

Caricature protests leave 4 dead in Afghanistan

When your draw a picture of Muhammad and in the picture link him to terrorism, what do you think is going to happen. It is very difficult to claim that Islam is a peaceful religion when stuff like this happens. Rolling Stone had a picture of Kanye West as Jesus on the front cover and Pat Robertson did not go burn something down or attempt to kill anyone because of it.

This is a perfect example of Islam living it's stereotype. Why do you think that cartoonist linked Muhammad to terrorism and violence. Instead of just getting angry, Muslims across the world are just getting violent!

Now of course Muslims in the US are not getting violent, so one might think that it is just Muslims in developing nations that are the real violent ones. Yet, they represent Islam to the majority of the world, just as Pat Robertson represents Christianity to a lot of the world. For me it is hard to shake this one off. Do not claim to be a religion of peace, when you cannot handle peace, or freedom of expression. It is time to think about WHAT WOULD MUHAMMAD DO. Burn down an embassy, or just ignore the cartoon.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Welcome back Brian...

If this is a matter of degrees, then the difference between setting fire to a building and yelling about it on TV is huge! They could have a non-violent protest which is better than a riot!

I disagree with you blamming this on being men. There are plenty of marches and rallies with just men all over the world, not all of them turn violent.

I think that they could have been non-violent Brian. I think that would have proved everyone wrong.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...i like the theory of violence being related to the Y chromosome, but i'm going to have to disagree with you Brian. Actually i'm going to combime Jon and Brian's arguements and see where it gets me. :)

They do get on TV and rant. Osama used to get on TV all the time and tell people to kill Jews and "death to America." and his message made it all the way over here. Did Osama personally blow anything up? (note i'm equating osama to pat robertson...i hope you appreciate that JON!) Maybe their barbaric way of life is part of their culture more than their religion but when they get on TV (citing an interview with a radical muslim i saw a few days ago) and they sit here and say the Koran tells them to kill these people (anyone who goes against the islamic Jews and Americans), its hard not to throw religion into this. I still defend the Islamic faith as a peaceful one but when you get radicals who've only known violence reading something like the Jihad pillar...all hell breaks loose.

If that didn't make sense, then i'm gonna go back to my original thought that men are more violent thus men are ruining the world! Ooo Ooo or we can make this another arguement about poverty = crime!? ;)


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