Bitter Atheism
Did Jesus exist? Court to decide
This post is for Rob:
So this guy is fighting the Christian Church in Rome. He may be an Atheist, but not the smartest one. Also, I think he might be a little bit bitter about something.
Let us begin with the fact that he is not taking this out on the Church but an old seminary friend from back in the day. Here is what the priest said about this:
We're both from Bagnoregio, both of us. We were in seminary
together. Then he took a different path and we didn't see each other anymore,
Righi said.
Since I'm a priest, and I write in the parish newspaper, he is
now suing me because I 'trick' the people.
I think he had a bad experience in the seminary and has not forgotten about it. If he truly wants to "deal the finally blow" to the Church he is going to have to try a little harder.
I am sure that the judge is going to listen politely and not rule against one of the largest religions in the world. And lets say the judge rules that Jesus does not exist. Does that prove anything? Are millions of people going to stop believing because some guy was made fun of in the seminary? This whole thing is a waste of time!
Several things. First you spelled "Final" incorrectly. Without a disclaimer at the beginning of your blog warning readers against grammatical finepoints, I consider your writing open game for attack. Second you have dumbfounded this argument. Trust a psychologically trained amateur to label everything in terms of some historical deep-seated mental trauma. The passage notes this guy did some serious research. It is possible he educated himself out of christian morality. He seems to be taking this suit pretty light-hearted as well, which you must've missed that in the article. So it is entirely possible that he is some rich Italian plum who, at the end of his life, feels like he is doing something monumental. It seems he understands that he wont destroy the religion, maybe he is just fvckin with ya? Judging from the tone of your blog, it seems you bear some deep-seated resentment towards people who challenge the catholic church. Praytell, were you picked on as a child? That must explain everything.
Dear Rob,
Thank you for correcting my spelling for the 13th time today. Everyone knows I cannot spell so get over that!
I think this guy is an idiot and we are allowed our own thoughts on this. However lets let people know what happen outside of this blog.
You were the one shouting in the office about this guy saying that "if I had something to take the Catholic Church down YOUR DAMN RIGHT I WOULD!" Then I asked you if you were molested as a child because you seem to have some issues with the church not me. So please do not use my own shit as your own!
Back to the issue:
He wrote a book, no where does it say he has done serious research! He might be a old rich guy, but still this is a ass of a thing to do! Just like logging on to blogs under a name and talking shit because you are really the one with deep issues ;)
You guys make me laugh!
Oh yeah, and Rob? It's "toward" not "towards."
And, one more thing, the Social Security Administration is going to get their ass kicked tomorrow.
Don't shoot the messenger.
Well, I guess if we're correcting grammar, I should correct myself: I should have written the SSA will get "it's" ass kicked tomorrow.
I don't care one whit about this debate, and I can accept Jon's refusal to learn to spell rather than demanding that the rest of us "accept" his inability--but I can't have Michele making grammar mistakes, especially when she's correcting herself. (Jon has God; I have grammar. Which is the more mysterious master?)
You should have written that the SSA will get its ass kicked, not it's. The apostrophe is only used when the word is a contraction of "it is." When you're using the possessive form, it's simply "its."
For the record, it will be a cold day in hell before I ever call myself an Atheist. I have neither time or energy to put the amount of research into the mental conditioning needed to live a life without a christian moral framework. I will even call myself a Christian though a very watered down anti-DanStirrat version.
Oh, and one last thing....
All of you are missing a couple of important pieces to this puzzle that shed a great deal of insight into this argument. The decision to pick a fight about this article didnt arise from some /random thought process. This atheist series of debates Jon and I have been having goes back a few months ago when one of our young liberal friends went around declaring her newly graduated High School buddy was a true age 19! (Imagine that) Unsurprisingly, this atheist likes to dress in long dirty black trench coats to uphold the gothic and dark image while beating the "God is Dead" phrase like a dead horse without ever having read one of Nietzsche's books. Our young liberal friend didnt take it too well when I called her shit out on Kant after she pretended like she knew what she was talking about. I believe even Jon would say that our young friend, at that time, had it coming. Days later, I went on a rant to Jon that atheists are a rare breed, and that most are just agnostics in disguise. To my knowledge, I have only studied about 1, perhaps 2 true atheists and both were OLD, OLD men who were more than likely simply too smart for the religious system imposed upon them at the time.
THIS article came up one day when I was scanning I glanced over it and saw somethings that I thought Jon might like. I mentioned to him that this guy might be a true atheist and now we have this huge blog battle. Unbeknownst to the rest of you though, Jon walks into my office (next door to his) and declares this article a fraud and engages this polemic.
A troll is someone who enters a close community under a sock puppet handle to start shit but hide behind a name nobody knows. Typically trolls are members of the community, which gives them a slight edge, because it is like a license to say whatever the hell you want sans consequences. If you want to see some excellent trolling work check out and do a search for everything by Deke Miller. He is better than Maddox.
It would be impossible for me to troll this blog because I could never write something that nobody could not I.D. right away.
Uberkuh or whatever is a closer approximation to a Troll, but since said person has such a dramatic categorical rage against all things Christian, I'm gonna go ahead and call Uberkuh...
Chris Boland for short.
Boland my friend, dont think to come online and call yourself an atheist though. Anata wa Atheist ja nai desu. Agnostic for you too brother. Especially for you.
Brian, thanks for your response. I posted it on my hidden blog which I will make public now from added pressures of my environment. The link should take you to it. As for the argument, at no point in the entire context of this discussion in which you are involved for about 10% of the larger picture did I ever call myself an Atheist. I was citing this article as an example of what might be an atheist. Good thing Im not going to law school, I'd probably fail there. My self-esteem has been shattered now thanks to your cruel words. The picture I have of you next to my bed, which I religiously pray to every night just shattered, I think. Sniff...Sniff....I thought we had something special Brian....
Ridiculing Jon's and Gerken's spelling, calling Budach out on a secret love for Brian, linking to videos of comedians using obscenities--now this little argument is getting somewhere!
Is this the part where I quote one of my favorite movies, ". . . God is dead . . . [=] the sign of a true Catholic"?
Jon, no wonder I never hear from you, you're buried under blog posts!
To be honest Brian I called you because I felt bad for you. I understand that you never can come up with an original thought on your own so I wanted to kick start you into the argument. Has nobody realized that Brian only comments how shitty other people's ideas are? Brian (rouge blogger) it is ok to be a follower.
HAHA Clever pun Rouge/Rogue...
Both you and Budach are the same! You sit in your introverted hell holes and wait. Then when someone (usually an extrovert) says something you jump on it and claim to be the smartest people in the world. I can just see you waiting and waiting for someone to make a mistake so you can show the world how smart both of you are when you let everyone know what the mistake was. Since both of you never take risks, you never make mistakes. This arrogance is only typical in introverts. Why don’t you go play with yourselves which is your favorite things to do!
Wooo Jon, now we're gettin down to the nitty gritty!!!
Yes, i admit, as an introvert, i enjoy a good "sit and wait" predatory approach when it comes to exhibiting my intelligence. I won't deny it...and i may be the only one it seems...:)
Also, since i missed all this drama...This old man is the first pro-active athiest i've ever really heard of which just baffles me. Why not go on your little "God is Dead" ways and leave the rest of the religious communities alone? [i am not a trained in psychology (i definitely don't have a masters in the field which would SURELY warrant my opinions)] His pro-active ways, in my eyes, tell me that he has something specific against the Catholic Church. Hey buddy why not go ahead and attack Judaism and say Abraham didn't exist? Or just go the distance and sue all religions that believe in a "god" because you can't prove that gods exist period! sheesh. Give me a break with this shit.
I thought I had no stake but the grammatical in this little spat, but Lisa has drawn me out.
I think this man's pro-active stance against the Catholic Church may, indeed, signal that he has issues with that specific institution. But he may simply have chosen the best symbol of religion in Italy, where Catholicism dominates.
In that case, his pro-active stance represents his continuing faith that something in this world matters in spite of his professed atheism. That something is the truth. He may or may not have that truth, but despite believing that there is no God--and hence no eternal reward or punishment for his deeds--he still wishes to seek truth and to share it. And that, surely, is an encouraging testament to the human spirit.
Thats cute Brian! I love the 'real life' comment. I brings out the Paul in you!
How the hell did I get brought into this?!?! I wasn't even posting and I get made fun of...yeesh....:)
Brian, easy would be me not knowing what I want to do with my life and, and then become a teacher!
Wow, Jon and Brian--you two have certainly gotten harsh with one another. You'd think you weren't both happily paired off, gainfully employed, and leading lives that brim with potential. I bet Budach would trade places with either of you, and never would have gone to Japan in the first place if he felt like he had what the two of you have here.
So try to calm down; it makes me sad to see you attack one another personally. Stick to making fun of Rob or picking on Gerken's spelling!
Dang it! I new I got that "its" thing wrong!
He he he.
Again I still haven't spelled anything rong!
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