Can a murderer ever be redeemed?
Someone explain to me how it is possible for a country so crazy about the right to life, and Christianity that we still approve of the death penalty?
This article discusses whether or not people are capable of change. I agree with the article when I states that the only way that change can happen to a person, is if they want that change to happen. So how does a person get to a point that they want to change? Is it when drug addicts alienate their families? Is it when alcoholics lose their jobs and friends? What about murderers? How does one change from that? How do you show that you will never kill again?
The DA said that he will never change, no matter what he has done after he was put in jail. What if he did change and is like a new person, do they let him out of jail? How do the families of the ones who were killed feel about that? When the US puts a murderer to death, does that make people feel better?
Don't you think that we should be above the death penalty? The death penalty does not solve anything and obviously does not stop others from killing.
People who claim that they are Christians and approve of the death penalty are not real Christians.
Would I change my mind about this if someone I knew was killed by a person? I cannot say for sure, but I do know (and so does everyone else) that it will only make you feel better for a short period of time.
So do I think people can change: Yes, but it takes the will and sometimes a lifetime. I do not believe that they should ever let murderer out of jail, but I also think that a country that won't show certain things on TV because of high moral standards, should not be killing people to make others feel better.
This article is a great reason why secular christians (can I even stand to call myself that anymore) ok..agnostics, especially myself, get burnt out by America. It leaves you feeling disappointed by "the superpower" and paints a negative stereotype on what is fundamentally a peaceful, positive, and sadly often horribly misinterpreted religion. Christianity is so Fvcking authoritative in this country that I tend to feel like it controls everything from our politics to our deepest moral motivations, whether you are a practicing christian or not. I dont have any personal remedy, although your idea of a Non-profit is the best effort one man/woman can do. Being though that it is Winter, and I hate this season because it is the devil and it is depressing, my gut tells me to pack my shit up and move out of this country or maybe to Hawaii. Maybe its just the midwest culture (I did like San Diego, but I hate Las Vegas) that I cannot take anymore. I do know that the inherently introverted Japanese culture seldom finds itself so god damn backasswards in contradictions like this. But hey, its cool...I get paid in 2 weeks and I can keep consuming until I get that Ford Mustang...just like Pac-Man, Americans are...chomp...chomp....chomp....
ure u.
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