Out of Control

Britons urge crackdown on Muslim protesters
Continuing from yesterday, this proves my point even more. These protests are showing Islam to the world in a terrible light. But, this makes me wonder... Is the what Islam is really like:
Behead the one who insults the prophet," read one placard aWho really knows, but I am sure the leaders of Denmark and Briton had enough of the death threats.
Muslim protester held at a weekend demonstration here against cartoon depictions
of Islam's prophet Muhammad. "Butcher those who mock Islam," and "Be Prepared
for the Real Holocaust," read other signs.
The silver lining to all of this is that there are a lot of Muslim leaders denouncing these threats. One even calls the protesters a bunch of thugs. However this disturbs me:
"The police acted responsibly in not arresting them
immediately because it deprived the radicals of the chance to "declare
themselves as martyrs in defense of the prophet."
There are a lot of people the misinterprets the Bible and spread a lot of hate around the world in the name of God. But I also believe that a religion that believes death threats are ok because the people giving those threats are being martyrs for the prophet, needs to rethink how it interprets its own book before the whole non-Muslim world interprets Islam to be violent and hateful.
Jon you are being unreasonable. Muslim leaders are not the "religion." Just because they said its important for the people to look like martyrs doesn't mean thats what the faith believes. Just like a lot of the shit bishops and cardinals say doesn't necessarily "follow" the catholic faith. Their culture has clouded their perception of their religion and they are picking and choosing how they want to interpret their holy texts. Just look at the crusades...all that murder was all in the name of Christianity. They also used the Bible to support slavery. When you get messed up fucks, they're gonna use whatever they can to justify their actions.
That was my point, that they are interpreting the text the wrong way! This is so very bad for Islam because the world today, is a lot different from what it was during the crusades. This is not the time for the Muslim religion to look violent and out of control. Maybe on paper the religion is not violent, but to the majority of the world right now it sure does look that way.
Look i'm just saying that because extremist Mulsim's are doing some absolutely horrific things right now, doesn't mean its ok to label the Islam faith as "violent." Even that guy's article you posted doesn't support the thought that the religion is violent, just that those getting violent are "extremists." They're getting a taste of their own medicine and once again feel they need to be violent to protect the name of Muhammed, which is NOT something supported by their religion. i refuse to believe the Islamic faith is as low as these sicko's are, because its not, and that won't change, no matter how out of control things get. All i can do is feel sorry for the peaceful muslims hurt by people now stereotyping them as violent because of what extremists are doing in other parts of the world.
The perception of Muslims around the world is what really counts. In reality their religion may not be violent, but at the moment it sure does look that way to a lot of people. It is how you sell something that sticks. Yes people are dumb.
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