Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Everyone Should be able to Get High!

Love is the drug

If love is a drug, Lisa is my Meth and it is the best high I have ever had!

Love, and the emotions that come with it more than likely will cause you most of the emotional stress you have in your lifetime.

"It became apparent to me that romantic love was a drive --
a drive as strong as thirst, as hunger. People live for love, they kill for
love, they die for love, they sing about love,"

This article states that love is rewarded in your brain. So then it is no surprise to me that people will do insane things because of love. We are wired to be rewarded for this feeling. Then it should also be no surprise to you that people who are prevented from this reward, but crave it can have short or long term mental health problems.

Now, what I am not saying is that people need to date to feel good about themselves, or people need to date to feel validated by society. Those are topics for a depressed single persons blog on valentine's day. What I would like to comment on is those who are prevented from loving because of laws, and society.

Many heterosexual couples take their love for granted that they ignore what it must be like for society to disapprove of them being together. Focus on the Family is having a convention in Saint Louis, and there are Ads all around the city saying that gay people can be turned straight. I am literally driving down the highway the other day and read this on the side of the road!

On a day where love is celebrated (even though that should be every day) I would like everyone to think about what it would be like to not be able to truly express your love in public. Have your government discriminate against you because of the way you Love, and have no benefits that heterosexual couples take for granted every day! Think about that today while you are out celebrating the love that you can have. Nobody should have the right to tell anyone who they can love! That is what this day should be about!


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Richard said...

You brought a little tear to my eye, Jon. Thanks, and happy Valentine's day.

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww babe, comparing me to a highly addictive and debilitating drug is the sweetest thing you've ever done! ;)

You're right though, "everyone SHOULD be able to get high" and no one should try to stop them!

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well I did not mean spending a lot of time with you made me want to claw the skin off my face, lose my teeth, and eat holes in my brain. SO i guess it was pretty sweet!

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Ah, just wait until you've been married for a while. You'll wake up and say, "Happy Valentine's Day. I didn't get you anything." To which your partner will say, "Me either, Happy Valentine's Day."

That's truly what happened. Until I came home from school and was surprised by a beautiful card and tulips (Roses are overrated!).

We don't really do V-day anymore since our anniversary is the week after. It just makes sense.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Hmmm....I'm going to have to remember that "meth" line . . .

Love your new pic, Jon!

P.S. -- check out the zoo slideshow on my blog, though I'm not sure I should offer the "animal ID bonus points" to fellow zoo-folk!


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