Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sexual Dysfunction

What you said when we asked about sex

Do you think it is some cosmic joke that men and women evaluate sex in different ways? It seems that men blame women for sex problems and women blame themselves. Also men seem to always want a little more, and women are more likely to be ok with what they have. I think the biggest indicator of what the real problem in the bedroom is communication.
Do you communicate your sexual needs? Four in 10
respondents said they had asked their partner for something they wanted in bed
in the past month.

Sex is funny because everyone is different, and it takes 2 people to have it, or three if you want to have a threesome, which only 5 percent of the people surveyed have done.

Here is the biggest blow of them all! 40% of the respondents to not engage in oral sex! 58% of those people just do not like to receive it. This makes me wonder...why?

And finally what happens if your first sexual experience is your fantasy which is in public on a romantic getaway with food, 2 other people, you have anal, and oral, use toys and do a little s&m all while filming yourself watching porn. Where do you go from there?


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Richard said...

I think most people's first experience is a lot more like Ben's on Big Love last night (May 14) than the pleasure-fest you describe...


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