Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Killing Waters!

Seal hunters expected to kill 234,000 Wednesday

This is out of control. It would be one thing if they were actually eating the seals, but that is not happening! They are just skinning them! I cannot even rationalize this in my head. 234,000 ANIMALS dead in one day, and they are not even being used for food. Please someone tell me that they eat SEAL in Canada! This is not hunting, this is slaughtering animals for skins. People buy these skins need to realize how they get them!


At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a strictly conservation basis, killing all those seals is not a terrible thing. Its the same thing we're doing with deer...making up for the lack of predators (caused by US) by killing prey species. When population numbers get too big, managers have to consider regulating them because too large of populations promote disease and habitat degredation. However, seals are carnivores and aren't exactly prey, BUT none the less, killing that many seals doesn't hurt the population, won't make them endangered, etc.

The fact that they are killing them, taking their furs, and not eating them does exhibit human greed to its most disgusting extent. Its comparable to what we did with American Bison, and what we're doing to African rhinos, except they aren't hunting the seals to near extinction. Why they can't use the meat? I don't know, their bodies are often more blubber than muscle, so there probably wouldn't be much of a seal meat market even if they tried. But SHIT its worth a try isn't it???

All we can do is encourage and petition to get the seal fur market down. But that would take a lot of lobbying in Norway. But there's always something we can do, and thats educate and get the word out there!


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