Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I Kill For Fun!

Taking on PETA over new ad campaign

I support PETA for one reason. They are so out of control that nobody but dumb ass celebrities take them seriously. Now I am against fur coats, I am against a lot of animal testing, but PETA likes to think that everything that we do to animals, even saving them, is a bad thing. PETA and other groups would like to eliminate zoos, and return the animals to the wild. The only problem here is, and I learned this from Lisa, most of the animal poplulations at zoos have been born at zoos! So returning a bunch of animals who have never even see the wild is a dumb fucking idea. Does PETA think about this? NO. Their shock value can only go so far before it blows up in thier face. How many legitamite organizations have they turned away by insulting them that could actually help animals. Zoos across the country will have nothing to do with this group. This is sad since most zoos want to research animals in order to save them in the wild. Zoos also educate people, and without education people are ignorant and do not care. PETA just wants to scare people. It is incredibly sad that they do not want to help animals in a effective way. I know so many people who love animals and do not want to see them hurt, but those are the same people that like meat lovers pizza, fishing, and hunting. PETA is a cult that worships animals, and does not help them.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Michele said...

Wow. The PETA spokesperson was all over the place in terms of explanations.

"Kids get it." Of course they do, asshole. It's because you've bundled your message into a nice, bright, fun and attractive package: a comic book. What kids wouldn't read it? Idiot!

What I want to know is how many kids are actually "getting the message" and not just looking at pictures. Of course kids 12+ are going to "get it"--their brains can comprehend that message. But I agree with the interviewer. Some 7 year old is going to get his hands on that thing and be freaked out that daddy is going to kill Rover.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i'm just glad Tucker didn't let up on that dumbass.

PETA, to me, are worse than apathy towards animals because at least apathetic people aren't actively and purposefully FUCKING OVER species on this planet. Notice how Tucker tries to get it through the guys head that fishing is important to maintain species and make up for our mistakes and he just goes on with their stupid "fish feel pain" bullshit. Yes they do, i bet they ALSO feel pain when a larger fish, or crocodilian, or bird, or cat eats them as well, but somehow THOSE animals are alowed to inflict pain on other animals. Last time checked, Homo sapiens were classified under the Kingdom Animalia making us ANIMALS! shocking but true.

PETA works against people who actually want to do some good for this earth and the species on it like conservationists and educators.

PETA = mindless idiots with nothing better to do than harass people.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Real PETA quotes, just to make you shake your head:

"Probably everything we do is a publicity stunt..."

"We are complete press sluts."

From a Post Dispatch Article: "PETA says such goals (the zoo's) don't justify keeping animals in agonizing boredom. Leahy said the group would rather see some animals, like bears, go extinct than for them to live in captivity."

“Did we euthanize some animals who could have been adopted? Maybe.”

“Six million people died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughterhouses."

“Even if animal tests produced a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it.”

Oh, yes, all of those make perfect sense! What was I thinking?!?!?


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