Monday, February 20, 2006

Happy Washington's Birthday

Presidents' Day

I am working today in protest of this holiday! Actually I have to work since the school is open. Since only about 50% of the United States gets the day off today, I decided to do a little digging on what makes today a holiday. I found some really interesting stuff about Presidents' day, which is actually not officially called Presidents' day at all. The federal government actually refers to this holiday as Washington's Birthday.

Since 1971 we have been celebrating both Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays on this day. However, Lincoln's birthday is on the 13th of Feb, and when Washington was born the world was using the Julian calendar which placed his birthday on the 11th of Feb. Using the modern day calendar, Washington's birthday would be on the 22nd of Feb. So the holiday that is officially called Washington's Birthday is not celebrated on the 11th or the 22nd of February at all. And never will be since if is always on the 3rd Monday of February!

I love half ass holidays!


At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love half assed holidays a lot more if i actually got the day off for them!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

I'm definitely agreeing with Lisa on this one -- I SO could've used an extra day to recover from the hellacious 4th graders I had Saturday night! Oh well, no rest for the weary!

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Michele said...

I have hellacious 4th graders every day. So I am totally enjoying the fact that I get this half-ass holiday off! Whoo! :)

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I'm sure Jon would perfer to protest this half ass holiday sitting in front of the TV on his ass, as I wish I could.

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We hardy celebrate the Big Three (Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter) in logisitics (read trucking), much less the 'half-assed' holidays, or the 'real' Federal holidays.

Yeah, I was working.


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