Friday, December 02, 2005

Death Changes Nothing

N.C. carries out nation's 1,000th execution

“The execution of Kenneth Boyd has not made this a better or safer world,” his attorney Thomas Maher said. “If this 1,000th execution is a milestone, it’s a milestone we should all be ashamed of.”

Studies have shown that the death penalty does not change the crime rate at all. In fact, most say it is a huge waste of taxpayers money. So my question is, in a country who seems to be run by a bunch of pro-life obsessive people, why are we killing people when it does not work?

I much prefer suffering in prison(I think we need to make prison scarier) for people who have committed a huge crime!


At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to play the other side, how do you punish someone who doesn't care anymore, when prison doesn't affect them. Or in the recent Illinois case the guy is already serving 2 life sentences and 115 additional years? Prison is already a hell hole, you can't make the ADMAX any worse. That doesn't seem to reduce the crime rate either, so maybe we should just stop using those to, a lot of tax dollars go in there

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just use other countries as an example...take European countries. All the European countries that do not use the death penalty have MUCH lower crime rates than us. Its not that our punishments aren't stiff enough. There is something else wrong with this country to make our crime rates so unbelieveably high. Unfortunately, i do not know what we're doing so wrong, but there are of course many hypotheses. All i know is that using the death penalty as a preventative method is not working.

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just use other countries as an example...take European countries. All the European countries that do not use the death penalty have MUCH lower crime rates than us. Its not that our punishments aren't stiff enough. There is something else wrong with this country to make our crime rates so unbelieveably high. Unfortunately, i do not know what we're doing so wrong, but there are of course many hypotheses. All i know is that using the death penalty as a preventative method is not working.

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's look at other countries. England's has been on the rise lately as is Austrailia's (I know, not Europe, but same vein). Then again those both coincide with the removal of law abiding citizen's rights to own a gun. And that's most the violent crime rate though. The proper stat would to be look at the murder rate, since that's all the death pentalty affects. Saudi Arabia is at the very bottom of the list. In fact 4 of the bottom 5 murder rates allow the death pentaly , (Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Japan, Indonesia; Greece is the odd one out). And 3 of the top five murderus countries have a ban on the death pentalty (Columbia, South Africe, Venezuela) and one has a De Facto ban on the death pentalty (Russia) with Jamaica being the odd one out.

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record I'm not a yeah rah yee proponet of the death pentalty. Truthfully I don't give it much thought. I'm to the death pentatlty in way like Michele was to abortion. I'm just glad it's there to be used but I'm not wanting to build drive up gas chambers like I think they do in Texas. I just like to debate so I took the other side.


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