Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Good and the Ugly

First the Good:

Elton to tie knot in Windsor

It is so nice to see another country recognizing the rights of all people. It is nice to see that the churches of England to not run their country! I read in the economist yesterday that the only bickering about same-sex marriages in England was really only in small towns that wanted to grant civil unions before the law was passed. I am happy that Sir Elton is also getting married in the same place as Prince Charles did not so long ago. Well I am sure now that there are civil unions in England Pat Robertson will say that the whole island is going to sink into hell!

On the other side of the ocean in ANTI GAY LAND:

Ford to remove some ads in gay publications

I hope that this is not a sign that the Christian boycott of Ford is working. Something tells me it is, or that Gay people are not buying jaguars, and Land Rovers. The United States is a sad place when we say that we are promoting freedom around the world, when in reality we are just promoting hate!


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Richard said...

I'm willing to give Ford the benefit of the doubt and believe that this is just bad timing of an announcement they would have made no matter what. There's not a big gay market for Land Rovers, as Ford has discovered; Volvos, however, sell quite well. Hence, Ford is going to stop pushing Land Rovers in the Advocate but keep pushing Volvos. It's a business decision.

When they start dropping employee benefits for same-sex partners, or refuse to advertise in gay publications even though it makes business sense to do so, then I'll get worried. But I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this headline this morning!

Also, is it just me or does it sort of look like the papers are making a joke when they write, in the headline, Elton John to "wed" in same place as Charles and Camilla? Why is "wed" in quotes? (Obviously it's because they're getting a civil union, which is marriage by another name in the UK, but it must make religious-righters feel good to see those quotes around the word, no?)

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Richard said...

Regarding my previous comment--I've changed my mind based on new information. I explain on my blog.


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