Monday, March 13, 2006

Puppy Love

U.S. is a nation of 360 million -- pets

I love pets! If I had all the money in the world, I think that I would have to buy another house just for the amount of pets that I would want. I seriously cannot live with out them. They consume a lot of time and money, but the rewards are awesome! Watching each pets personality grow is just a wonderful thing. However, I do not think I am ever going to get Carlsson spa therapy or massages to make him feel good.
An increasing percentage of that money was spent on
services that used to be reserved for people: massage therapy, spa treatments,
couture clothing and gourmet food.

People who do that have something missing in their lives. A pet cannot and never should be a substitute for a human. Dogs do not know what a spa treatment is, nor do they ever need one. So if you are lonely and get a dog, but do not use the dog as a replacement for human interaction. The dog loves you because you feed it and care for it, not because you take it out for expensive dinners. If you are thinking about taking a your animal out for an expensive dinner please give me a call and you can take me out! Excessive treatment of animals however cute, can be very mentally unhealthy.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

says the man who had a birthday party for his dog. . . just kidding, I'm the one who wrapped Christmas presents for my birds!


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