Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Are School Boards a Good Thing? - Evolution opponents suffer setback - Aug 2, 2006

I am happy to see that not everything is lost in the state of Kansas. For a long time I have absolutly given up hope on that state.

Sometimes I must ask myself, what is the point of school boards? They in theory are a good idea. But it seems that they are getting more and more partisan and and insane. A good of people, desciding what children should be taught in the school system sounds better than one person desciding. However, what are the qualifications to be on a school board? In Kansas it seems that you need to be able to hate science and love God.


At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if they are getting more partisan and insance as a whole, sure there are a couple across the country. But even if each state had 2 crazy boards, each state has hundreds of boards that are perfectly normal and making decisions. Remember, you only hear about the wack-jobs on the news. Just like there are less than 1 death via shark bite a year in the US but you always hear about it, and there are over 140 deaths a year caused by deer, and you never hear about it. (someone has been watching Shark Week and discovery!)


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